Saturday, April 27, 2013

The movie is as beautiful as Ragini !

Akam the film is not what I want to write on. Yes it is one of the finest films in malayalm I saw in recent times. While watching the film I understood why an interesting film never becomes a mainstream success in Kerala. These are the questions that came to my head ....

What is it about a minute or two of silence that is so disturbing that people want to call their friend or ask each other "why are they not talking.*" 

What is it about intelligent shot design that people need to say "they have forgotten to do camerawork.**"

What is it about brilliant sound design that make them say "it's sync sound so dialogues wont be heard*** "


What is it about a powerful female character that is so disturbing to the male audience in Kerala****?

Films work with an audio and a visual in time and space. Lets be open to any form of filmmaking. May be its mass communication may be its experimental. 

Lets not condemn a film of not being a film !

Over here many a technician themselves say - The film with more sound effects than dialogues is an art film (interesting classification eh).

Yes films are an Art form first and an economy later. We pay to see the art. 

* Some one should stop the continuous loop of BGM that mainstream films fill in.
** Block heads should look at the frame in detail not the phone.
*** Bloody idiots should shut up so that we can hear it.
**** I do not know why.


  1. Hah sounds very interesting the film. Sigh, once again ill have to do immense spade work befr i see it!

  2. The details as always was in the fine print, enjoyed reading it..

  3. the poster is so beautifully pulp


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